Le Cypher 30min ubaluleke ngaphezu Ignorance Fox nsuku zonke.

Trust me Brethren, I will rather listen to this 30 min Power Cypher than Fox’s Ignorance on TV. Worth my time, worth my brain cells, worth an inspiration to impact my lifestyle. “KNOWLEDGE is POWERindeed.

This is my understanding of what HIP-HOP’s true foundation was built on. Hip-Hop with a purpose, a political statement, a social and cultural vehicle bringing awareness to our society and lifestyles. Hip-hop is not dead with people like this, it’s just bleeding because people like him don’t get heard, but rather nonsense from nonsense rappers disrespecting the culture, the people and the mission.

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Amathebhu ezimbili ezilandelayo kokuqukethwe ngezansi shintsha.
"Angikwazi ukushintsha izwe kodwa ngikholwa ngiyakwazi nomthelela omuhle kumuntu oyedwa ukushukumisa omunye umuntu, ukuthonya ushintsho. Ngikholwa mina nawe ungaba waphefumulela WORLD."

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