If all Black people of African descent had the mindset Lebron James had when he returned home, can we be ‘Re-Established’ in Africa come Lebron in Ohio? Now that is not just a question, it is a statement. How deep is your love, how big is your pride for a home where our history traces our Identity?

It’s a mindset, emancipate yourself from mental slavery. Lebron James didn’t need to think twice about the condition the Cavaliers, neither the state at which Ohio was in, or the people.–To him, it was ‘Home’ — Leaving the Miami beach sweet life for Akron, ‘Home’. Now that is love, that is pride.

When we talk about Africa; we talk about diseases here and there, we talk of poverty, and children dying. We talk about neo-colonization in Africa; China and the West slowly milking our resources; our gold, our diamonds, our oil, but have you ever wondered, ‘What will Black existence mean if one day Africa was no longer a place we can call our Home?

I loved that sentence in Lebron’s video, “Never forget Your Home”. As simple as it sounds, it has a deeper meaning behind it for me. I hear, Never forget your home, never forget your Orijin; your roots, your history, your culture, your identity. A wise man once said, “You never know where you are going, if you don’t know where you are coming from”. Africa is where we come from, Africa is my Home–The continent that has forever loved you and I, although in distant lands– the Land our ancestors in Africa and the Diaspora fought and died for, so that you and I can still call Africa, Casa.

May be it’s about time we reflected on ‘Home’. Può essere che è il momento di “Ristabilire” noi torna in Africa, La nostra casa. Attendo con ansia il giorno in cui più discendenti dell'Africa (African-Americans, Caribbeans, Afro-brasiliani, Afro-latinos / come, Afro-europei, Afro-asiatici, etc ) torna a casa'– Sia per vivere, visit, avviare un'impresa o far parte di una via di sviluppo dell'Africa, ‘Home’.

Lo giuro, Vedo l'Africa che abbraccia tutti i suoi figli a casa con un messaggio di benvenuto che suona come questo “L'Africa ospita. La terra che birthed la tua anima. Sono così orgoglioso di te. Benvenuto a casa, figlio, benvenuto figlia a casa.”

porta del noreturn

Ispirato dalla filosofia di Bob Marley "Nessuno, ma noi stessi può liberare la nostra mente", Orijin è un unico "cultura di marca" che collega tutti i discendenti africani insieme attraverso la sua Marchio di moda e stimolante rivista di influenzare il nostro stile di vita in tutto il mondo ... .non solo indossare Cultura, SHARE Cultura.


I seguenti due schede cambiano il contenuto sotto.
"Non posso cambiare il mondo, ma credo di poter avere un impatto positivo su una persona per motivare un'altra persona, per influenzare un cambiamento. Ti credo e posso ispirare il mondo."

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  1. Von

    I just had the conversation with my daughter and it would mean a lot for us in general, but many of us have to be deconditioned from our mind-sets. Many West African countries welcome their American, South and Central American and Caribbean family back to the homelands of their ancestors.

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