Before Tv came into existence in my life , I remember my uncle sitting all the kids down, forming a circle around a burning wood he would set up around 6pm after we had taken our night showers. We could hardly wait and took quick showers. Sometimes i didn’t, I just sprinkled water on my head and faked my showers until I was caught one day, lol.

He will tell us folktales such as Anansi spider and many other amazing folk tales. Mhh, I really miss those days and wish those days would come back. The visual effects from the fire and his animated voice painted the perfect picture. Hi-definition images in my memory. I can still see them after how many years, trust me this was better than any Hollywood movie you can ever imagine.The folk songs were the best part as they also told a story about love, rispetto, greed and many more to shaping our cultural lifestyles. I remember going to bed humming some of his folk songs. Bring back Folk in Style!!!

Imany is a voice, a bell and soft woods that alone tells a story. Her affinities with folk, rock, soul and poetry helps us understand the colors that blend in her songs. Tell me what you think about this VIDEO?

I seguenti due schede cambiano il contenuto sotto.
"Non posso cambiare il mondo, ma credo di poter avere un impatto positivo su una persona per motivare un'altra persona, per influenzare un cambiamento. Ti credo e posso ispirare il mondo."

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