Far from home, far from family and friends, far from developing their country due to various circumstances however they are keeping their culture Alive. Ethiopians in the USA started a tradition far back in the 80’s organizing a soccer tournament to bring Ethiopians together. This has grown from four teams to 28 teams nation wide representing Ethiopians all over the US including Canada. The teams consist of retired national football players, current professional players and just individuals that know how to play. Watching the teams play is not only the fan part but meeting lost friends, families and even people they have never met before makes it all worth while. This tradition has grown so well that a different city is chosen each year to celebrate their roots and culture. What is great about this tradition is the younger generation get to appreciate their history, roots and culture which can easily be lost in translation.

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"Ik kan de wereld niet veranderen, maar ik geloof dat ik kan een positieve invloed hebben op de ene persoon naar de andere persoon te motiveren hebben, een verandering beïnvloeden. Ik denk dat jij en ik de wereld kan inspireren."

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