Hawelose meisie sing 'verlossing lied’ in 'n unieke styl

Watch this amazing Homeless Girl sing Bob Marley’s ‘redemption song’ in 'n unieke styl. You can almost feel her own personal struggles behind her voice.

I tried not to even imagine Sunny’s reality, but through her singing I am left with a paintbrush and teardrop to paint a picture of her reality; What she probably goes through everyday; What she has probably seen sleeping on the streets; What she has probably felt crawl up her sleeve, I imagine. Tog, she sings through her struggles a redemption song, 'n song of freedom.

We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty.”~ Mother Teresa

What is your redemption song?

Geïnspireer deur Bob Marley se filosofie "Geen, maar onsself kan ons verstand bevry", Orijin is 'n unieke "Kultuur Brand" die koppeling van al-Afrikaanse afstammelinge saam deur dit Fashion merk < / a> and thought provoking tydskrif to influence our lifestyles world wide….Don’t just WEAR Culture, SHARE Kultuur

The Orijinal Redemption Song by Bob Marley.

homelessgirls sings bob marleys redemption song

Die volgende twee oortjies verander inhoud hieronder.
"Ek kan nie die wêreld verander nie, maar ek glo ek kan 'n positiewe impak op die een persoon 'n ander persoon te motiveer het, 'n verandering te beïnvloed. Ek glo ek en jy kan die wêreld te inspireer."

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