Reggae Icon, Gregory Isaac”Cool Ruler” dies in London

It is our deepest regret to announce the passing away of reggae icon and legend, Gregory Isaac, who died in his London home after battling with lung Cancer for some time now. He was 59 years old.

Flash back:
Gregory Isaac was born in Kingston, Giamaica, on July 15, 1951.
Gregory Isaac a.k.a “Cool Ruler” and “Lonely Lover”, the most versatile vocalists in the his genre released over 500 albums and collaborated with other famous artist such as Lee “Scratch” Perry, Dennis Brown and Freddie McGregor. In 1982, a year after Legend Bob Marley had passed away, Gregory Isaac’s most famous album Night Nurse was recorded at Bob Marley’s Tuff Gong Studios. When we talk about Lovers rock (Fresco, smooth romantic reggae and sexy content), we talk about Gregory Isaac. He will be forever missed but not forgotten as music and reggae lives on.

“Night Nurse,” “Rumours” and “Tune In.”

Message from his wife:
“Gregory was well-loved by everyone, his fans and his family, and he worked really hard to make sure he delivered the music they loved and enjoyed […] He will be greatly missed”

Rest in Peace Gregory Isaac

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