Comparing Preacher’s Kid, Rihanna’s “Man Down” and True Life:
I recently watched the movie ‘The Preacher’s Kid’ and felt Angie’s pain (The curious yet naive church girl who left her home to explore the dangerous world). It is good to explore the world but it is also important to remember your roots, culture and values so that you don’t fall in a trap.

I remember the image of the ” Perfect Gentleman” that many women will not second guess and claim to be “the one” and how easily his true colours are revealed. His ability to transform to a sexual abuser and violent man behind the curtains with such ease got me thinking; how many women are abused by their men everyday? How many simple altercations between two lovers end up fatal? How many of these argument can be solved by simply sitting down and talking about it? How do we prevent the ” dangerous snap” ?

Our mothers and fathers seem to say this with so much pride: “We have been together for 30 jaar” of “50 years plus and still counting our love for each other”. What keeps their love there and sparking? What aspects of culture and discipline do they have that the younger generations do not possess? It doesn’t seem the same for our generation. We are ready to get up and leave or simply shoot one down like in Rihanna’s new music video “Man Down”.

At the end, who wins? No one. A dead person in a casket and a miserable life time in jail. Even worse, a child without both parents

I know it is easily said but honestly, we can learn from the older generations and use them as an example of how to shape our lives and the lives of our kids. We need to access the knowledge of our elders so that we can learn the valuable lessons about love, commitment, cooperation and patience guided by culture so that we can pass it along to future generations. I afraid that if we dont do our part, what do we expect the future to do?

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"Ik kan de wereld niet veranderen, maar ik geloof dat ik kan een positieve invloed hebben op de ene persoon naar de andere persoon te motiveren hebben, een verandering beïnvloeden. Ik denk dat jij en ik de wereld kan inspireren."

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