Is Snoop Nigerian? Check his Passport here….

Siye sabona, Reggae and dancehall take its place in the mainstream from the Caribbeans, so has Reggaeton set its ground from the Latino world. Remember the season where Indian and Arabic music fused into hip-hop? All these have accounted for diversity in music.

Well as Orijin predicted,
African Music is coming with a force and you have no choice but to grove with it. The home of drumming and dancing is here.

Orijinal question?
What do you think about Snoop dogg as he features in Nigerian Artist Dbanj’s music video… “Proper Orijinal” or what?
Did you see him trying to speak Broken?lol
What about his dance?
You got to love Nigerians, as they have that Orijinal pride, repping Nigerian colors on a Bentley.

Anyway about Snoop Orijinating from Nigeria, we will need to ask Snoop to clarify that soon. Stay tuned !! Origin, connecting all African descendants together through Culture..

Hey while you are here, don’t forget to join Orijin’s Culture network, add your profile and picture. Thanks.

Amathebhu ezimbili ezilandelayo kokuqukethwe ngezansi shintsha.
"Angikwazi ukushintsha izwe kodwa ngikholwa ngiyakwazi nomthelela omuhle kumuntu oyedwa ukushukumisa omunye umuntu, ukuthonya ushintsho. Ngikholwa mina nawe ungaba waphefumulela WORLD."

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