Watch this video. Jaw wide open, this is not a man that sounds just like Bob Marley, Ngiyafunga lokho Bob Marley umculo umzimba ezahlukene, a redemption song.

Eshukunyiswe nefilosofi Bob Marley sika "Akekho kodwa ngokwethu can khulula ingqondo yethu ', Orijin kuyinto eliyingqayizivele 'Culture Brand "oxhumanisa yonke inzalo African ndawonye ngokusebenzisa kungcono Fashion brand and thought provoking magazine to influence our lifestyles world wide….Don’t just WEAR Culture, Yabelana Culture

I swear that's Bob Marley singing in a different body

Amathebhu ezimbili ezilandelayo kokuqukethwe ngezansi shintsha.
"Angikwazi ukushintsha izwe kodwa ngikholwa ngiyakwazi nomthelela omuhle kumuntu oyedwa ukushukumisa omunye umuntu, ukuthonya ushintsho. Ngikholwa mina nawe ungaba waphefumulela WORLD."

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