If you had to choose between Love and Family, what would be your choice?

This video speaks volumes to the dilemmas many of us face. Whether we fall in love with someone of a different cultural, racial or religious background, we are always fearful of how members of our family or community will react when we deviate from paths we are expected to take. It’s never an easy decision when we have to choose between two of the most important things in our lives. I say follow your heart, others will say otherwise. I leave it up for discussion. If you had to choose between love and family, what would be your choice



pure rasta love

interracial couple

African and Indian wedding | Found on maharaniweddings.com

African + Indian wedding | Found on maharaniweddings.com

 Found on munaluchibridal.com

African + Asian Couple | Found on munaluchibridal.com

true love story never ends

old Love is true love

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Amathebhu ezimbili ezilandelayo kokuqukethwe ngezansi shintsha.
Nickname: Queen of Kings. "Ngithi khona njengoba kuyinto"

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