Train up a child in the way he should go

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. proverbs 22:6

Should it disturb me to see a child who could be my daughter in a video shaking her booty with singles tucked between her belt holes? Should I turn a blind eye and mind my damn business? What will be the future of this lovely child and other children like her? I wonder what my grandma would have done if she was passing by and saw this scene 20 years back? What will I do today if I was passing by, pick up my phone and record for youtube to get popular?

We seem to blame almost everything on  technology, tv, mobile and internet . “Kids these days learn too quickly” seems to be the popular excuse when trying to avoid embarrassment or shame for our bad parenting . Yes we can not deny the fact that there are various platforms at disposal to the youth , however we as parents have a major part to play in communicating and educating regardless of what our children see or hear. Let them know the consequences.

I can hear someone say “these kids lack culture”,  but please do not let us direct the attention on these loved ones as “they may not know what they do”.  Rather,  let us direct our attention on the woman spraying dollar bills at the child. There is nothing wrong in spraying money on a performer as it is part of our culture. It is is a sign of endorsing the person performing however It is a sad news if she is endorsing youth stripping. What message are we sending out? What will be the answer if the worse was to happen as we hear crazy stories in the news almost everyday? God Forbid.

Let us face reality, parenting is hard and the standards of living can also affects the way a child grows. In some cases, parents can’t even get time to monitor their children because of 2 or 3 jobs they maintain to bring  in a steady income. There are others that are also single parents,.  How can we possibly  train up a child in the way he should go so that even when he is old he will not depart from it ?

Parenting should not only from the mother or father, but from the community as well. We seem to be lacking that in our lives today. I can well remember the scolding from elderly people I did not know or had any relations to. I can remember the advices from random people from my neighborhood. Maybe we need to get into that mentality of being a community rather that the mentality of  “each man for himself”.

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