乌干达聋哑男孩沉默了15yrs, 现在讲话. [一个鼓舞人心的视频]

“如果一个人在一种语言交谈,他理解, 去他的头. 如果你跟他在他的语言, that goes to his heart.”~nelson Mandela

I can’t imagine being born deaf for even a second, how much more not being unable to communicate with anyone for 15years. This is the true story of Patrick Otema, a teenager Living in silence for 15years in a remote village in Uganda where there were no schools for deaf, nor any developed sign language for him to even hold a conversation with his family.

Mandela once said, “如果一个人在一种语言交谈,他理解, 去他的头. 如果你跟他在他的语言, that goes to his heart.” These wise words manifested in this beautiful story. ‘Amazing’, is all I could say when Patrick smiled after realizing that he was being taught a language to be able to communicate not only with his family, but with his school mates as well. A language which was his language.

“如果一个人在一种语言交谈,他理解, 去他的头. 如果你跟他在他的语言, that goes to his heart.” What language are we speaking as Black people to bring as together. It’s been decades and we still have the same issue of ignorance amongst us to separate us; 非洲人, African-American, Caribbeans, Afro-Latinas etc. What language are we speaking ?

帕特里克·奥特玛聋人发言 帕特里克·奥特玛聋人发言
乌干达聋哑男孩沉默了15yrs, 现在讲话.

由鲍勃·马利的理念启发“,但没有自己可以解放我们的头脑”, Orijin是一种独特的“文化品牌”的所有非洲人后裔连接在一起,通过它的 时尚品牌 和发人深省 杂志 影响我们的生活方式,世界各地的... .D​​on't刚穿文化, 分享文化

"我不能改变这个世界,但我相信我可以对一个人产生积极的影响,激励他人, 影响的变化. 我相信你,我可以激励世界。"



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